Pualani is located in sunny Kapoho on the Easternmost tip of the Big Island of Hawaii, just 40 minutes south of Hilo. This tropical home features open-beamed ceilings and panoramic tropical and ocean views. You can see the lights from a passing cruise ship from the lanai at night. There's a full kitchen, generous living and dining area opening onto the lanai, a queen-bed bedroom and bath. For extra guests, the second bedroom has two double beds. And for your evenings, there's a Satellite TV/VCR,... (more)
Canoeing, , Hiking, Fishing, Hot Tub, snorkeling, kayaking, swimming, volcano site-seeing, Olympic size swimming pool in nearby Pahoa (free!), several fine restaurants in Pahoa (8 mi.), hot ponds, Volcano National Park 40 minute drive
Rate Information for this Vacation Rental
Min Stay
2 Guests
Sept 1
Dec 14
3 nights
2 Guests
Dec 15
Mar 30
3 nights
2 Guests
Apr 1
June 30
3 nights
2 Guests
July 1
Aug 31
3 nights
Prices based on double occupancy. An additional $10 per night per extra person. Additional HA state tax 13.42% plus $90-100 cleaning fee and refundable $300 security deposit.
All rates subject to change without notice. Please confirm with owner.
3 Month Availability Snapshot for this Vacation Rental
VRC#3207: Keaau, Big Island, Hawaii - 3 bed, 2 bath home sleeps 7
Guest Comment
"Hi Pat Just to let you know that we received the security deposit in the mail - thanks. Also we wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed our stay in Pualani. We loved the house and it was perfect for our family - a lovely spot for relaxing, yet great things to do nearby (biking to Champagne Pond for instance). We all enjoyed our trip to the Big Island and I am sure will be back one day. Mahalo, Glenda and Ron "
- Glenda & Ron Avery, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
This vacation rental has been viewed 16,434 times since 10/30/2005. Each property is independently owned and operated. All listing information has been furnished by the property owner/manager. Please read our disclaimer.